Hi, I’m Kat.


A Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, a wife and mum of 3 beautiful children and 2 grown-up step kids, both a recovering perfectionist and chocolate addict (not sure if I should have included that!) and have been on my health journey since 2003 when I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and I’m THRIVING!

The one thing I want you to know is that your body is so resilient and no matter what your own health journey looks like, it is possible to feel great again!

I create a safe, non-judgmental space to work together and meet you wherever you’re currently at in your own journey.


Functional Nutritional Therapy is holistic, so as well as focusing on nutrient-dense, properly prepared, whole food meals, when we work together we also weave in other ways to support you through appropriate movement, stress awareness, adequate vitamin S (sleep) and consider environmental factors too.

Any dietary or lifestyle changes must be sustainable, so there are no fad diets or magic pills here!

Yip, it all starts there – if your cells aren’t getting fed the right nutrients, then they won’t be able to perform whatever their particular job is. Your cells create your tissues, your tissues create your organs, which then work together with other organs to create functioning systems e.g. your cardiovascular system and all of these systems make up you! So over time, cells that are starving of nutrients can lead to various symptoms that can then eventually result in chronic disease.

I undertake a Functional Clinical Assessment (FCA) with you (a hands-on assessment) where we discover exactly WHAT systems/parts of your body need nutrients and then test exactly WHICH nutrients your body wants, so I can tailor recommendations to YOU.


How am I different from a regular Nutritionist?

I care about your cells!

Functional Nutritional Therapy is my passion and I’d love to connect with you, help you discover how to nourish your body and inspire you to believe that you can thrive again.


“After a few consultations Kat has given me the tools to set myself on the right path to dealing with my anxiety and also great advice about which types of foods are good for my body and which ones to avoid, this has helped tremendously with my digestion issues.”


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Kat is not currently taking new clients. Please check back soon for updates!